Aybey Boran
Google search engine began as a research project in 1996 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. These PhD students determined that a search engine that associated the relationships between websites would produce better results than existing techniques. At the beginning, search engine used for Stamford University website with the domain name of “google.stamford.edu” as a part of their studies. Original domain name google.com was registered 1997 and company was incorporated as Google Inc in 1998. In 2000 Google started to sell advertisements associated with search key words which are based upon the number of hits users make upon ads. It was important for the company to increase advertisement revenue.
After Google, competition between technology companies increased. Such as; competition between Google and Microsoft. Microsoft has MSN search engine and windows live search to counter Google's competitive position. Google and Microsoft are offering similar services such as “web mail” and “googlemap” vs. “WindowsLiveLocal”. Google has also started to experiment other markets such as such as radio and print publications. According to researches Google is the most used search engine on the web with a 54% market share, ahead of Yahoo! (23%) and MSN (13%).
Google services are run on unique combination of advanced hardware and software. They are also called server farms. Each server has a lot of low-cost computers and work with different versions of linux. In 2006 Google clarified that they have 450,000 servers all around the world which are networked together to create a super fast search engine.
One of the most important parts of their software is PageRank. PageRank relies on the uniquely democratic nature of the web by using its vast link structure as an indicator of an individual page's value. Google accumulates PageRank with different and sophisticated text-matching techniques to find pages that are both important and relevant to your search. Google goes far beyond the number of times a term appears on a page and examines all aspects of the page's content to determine if it's a good match for your search. And also Google runs relevant ads above and next to their results. Which also means no one can buy a higher page rank. This makes the Google search easy, honest and objective.
In 1998 Google started to use Cached Pages and Google Web Search. Cached Pages, Google takes a snapshot of each page and use them to judge if a page is a good match for your query.
In 1999 Google started to use “Similar Pages”. The similar pages feature is most effective on pages that are popular.
In 2000, “Make Google Your Default Engine”, “Apple-Specific Search Engine”, “University Search Feature”, “Microsoft-Specific Search Engine”, “Browser Buttons”, “Google Directory”, “SafeSearch Filtering”, “News Headlines”, “Street Maps “, “Date Restricted Search”, “Dictionary Link”, “Advanced Search”, “Preferences”, “Phrase Search”, “ Operator”, “ Stock Quotes”, “AdWords”, “OR Operators”, “Google Tool Bar”, were added in to Google search.
In 2001, “Google Phone Book”, “Spelling Corrections”, “Google Groups”, “Translation”, “Google Image Search”, “Home page tabs”, “Language Tools “, “Search stop words in phrases”, “File type conversion”, “Catalogs “, “Diacritics searching (terms with accents)” were added in to Google to improve search results.
In 2002, “Google Answers”, “Google Answers Searchable”, “Google Labs”, “Google Glossary”, “Google Sets”, “Google News”, “Froogle”, “Google Viewer” was added in to Google search.
In 2003, “Toolbar 2.0 with a pop-up blocker”, “Calculator”, “Synonym Operator”, “News Alerts”, “Search by Location”, “Definitions (Google Glossary)”, “Deskbar”, “Travel Conditions”, “Google Book Search”, “Product Search Shortcut”, “Word Variation (Automatic Stemming)”, were added in to Google data base.
In 2004, “Search by Number”, “Orkut (Social Networking Service)”, “Danish Google Guide”, “Google local”, “User Interface (ui) redesign”, “Web alerts”, “ Images is Google News search results”, “ Number range (numrange) command”, “New froogle home page”, “Personalized Web Search”, “GMAIL”, “Google Groups 2”, “Added mailing list support to Google Groups”, “Site-Flavored Google Search Box”, “Google Desktop Search”, “Google SMS”, “ Google SCHOLAR”, “Froogle Wish lists”, “ Google Help (Cheat Sheet)”, “ Google Library”, “Froogle Product Reviews”, “Google Suggest”, were added in to Google.
In 2005, “Raised search limit to 32 words”, “Picasa 2”, “ Google VIDEO”, “ Google MAPS”, “ Google Movies”, “Google weather”, “Live stock quotes”, “ Results Prefetching”, “Personalized Google news”, “Google ride finder”, “Google Suggest In Japanese”, “Google Q&A(Question and answer)”, “Multilingual Google Definitions”, “My search History”, “Satellite view from Google Maps”, “Google Mobile- Local Search”, “Enterprize Desktop Search Tool”, “Google web Accelerator”, “Personalize Your Homepage”, “Toolbar for Firefox”, “Google Desktop2”, “Useful Links From Within a Site”, “Google Talk”, Google Blog Search” were added in to Google Search.
“Never settle for the best” says Google co-founder Larry Page. Everyone knows that Google has relaxed corporate culture. There are ten important things for Google’s philosophy;
1. Focus on the user and all else will follow. | 6. You can make money without doing evil. |
2. It's best to do one thing really, really well. | 7. There's always more information out there. |
3. Fast is better than slow. | 8. The need for information crosses all borders. |
4. Democracy on the web works. | 9. You can be serious without a suit. |
5. You don't need to be at your desk to need an answer. | 10. Great just isn't good enough. |
"Twenty percent" time; Engineers who work for Google are encouraged to spend their 20 percent of their work time on projects that based upon their individual interests. According to Google, their 50 percent of new products comes from 20% time. Such as “Orkut”, “Gmail” and “Google News”.
In 2000 Google announced a database of 560 million pages. In 2004 it became 4 billion pages and according to current estimates it is more than 20 billion pages. Google database are basically formed from 10 databases.
Web, This component is all about indexed web pages included file types of Html, PDF, .ps, .doc, .xls, .txt, .ppt, .rtf, .asp, .wpd, and more.
Book Search, Text books with only limited viewing.
Google Scholar, All articles included Academic papers and reports.
Groups, which are about use net database.
News, past 30 days of Web-based news sites.
Images, image database.
Froogle, product and shopping search database.
Catalog Search, Product catalogs that indexed by Google.
Ads, they usually shown on right side of the result page under the sponsored links.
Strength parts of Google database:
Google search covers so many types of files and database size is so big.
Relevance based on sites' linkages and authority.
Cache archive that can be seen in the search after indexed.
And additional databases make Google powerful such as books, scholars and groups.
Google has some limited search features such as; there are no truncations available on Google. This search technique refers to the ability to search just a portion of a word. Link searches must be exact and are incomplete. Google only index first 101 Kb of a page and 120 Kb PDF files. Google also may search plural, singular and grammatical variants with out telling you.
Google also has language, domain, date, file type, and adult content limits. Date limit added on 2001 but it is also available on advanced search page.
Google’s Marketing Strategies
Google has always had great word of mouth and also Google has been effective at generating grass roots public relations. The future direction for Google is to continue enhancing their search technology, and to provide innovative features and services that efficiently connect people to the information they're seeking.
Google’s Direct Marketing Evaluation
As you know, there is always competition between Google, AOL and Microsoft. I was thinking about what makes Google different and why other companies are trying to emulate Google’ advertising model and marketing strategies. Google hasn’t only taking a big part from traditional media advertising market; Google also has also created a new, much bigger, advertising market. Google has created the perfect storm of real-time shopper-meet-supplier direct marketing. Actually, Google didn’t invent this
Model; yahoo and Microsoft do the same thing. What Google has done is to cleverly package up a set of capabilities in a customer-pleasing and advertising-pleasing way like the same thing Apple did with itunes and ipods.
Everyone knows that traditional advertising model is one of demand generation. Google’s advertising model connects suppliers directly to buyers. Product suppliers use Google that’s because to help customers who are looking, find and buy their products. Actually this is the buyer-direct advertising. In this system buyer finds the seller without going anywhere. Buyers don’t have to go to store or go on e-bay or a portal site. Just they have to ask and they will find the answer on Google. If we look at from advertiser part, this is what they looking for because advertiser gets qualified buyers, people who are actually looking for what they offer and the advertiser don’t need to have prior relationship with the costumer. Advertisers also get real-time control over advertising spending and they can easily see what the returns from advertisements are.
Google for Business
One of the Google’s new plans is search system for business systems. This new system enables organizations to find information within their business systems. For this project Google is now working with Oracle, Cisco Systems and Cognos Inc.
This new system which is known as “Google OneBox for Enterprise” will enable company customers to make company-specific searches which also allow employees to use the Google search to find information such as employee benefits, purchase orders, sales leads, contacts and calendars. And also employees are going to be able to search specific office documents and the new software will allow office workers to dig deeper into business databases.
Internet Search Marketing
After Google’s power another thing came out for companies which is internet search marketing. They have to use internet search marketing in order to increase their website traffic. Due to the increased access and use of online resources, businesses are now finding that internet search marketing services are an essential part of the company’s overall marketing plan. According to me, internet search marketing actually about establish the target audience, specify key phrases and optimization techniques.
Now, a lot of company use Google for Knowledge Management. A lot of information that previously required extensive researches now it available through Google that’s because Google has partnerships with different types of companies including a long-term research partnership with NASA and also they have partnership with Sun Microsystems to help and share each other’s technologies. These days Google has started a partnership with American Online, News Corp’s and the popular social networking site MySpace. If we look at Google’s history, we can easily see there are many small companies that been bought by Google. These companies had the innovative teams and products. “Pyra labs” was one of them. They were creators of a weblog publishing platform, and Blogger.
Google also has a software which is called “Google analytics” provides analysis of the performance of Websites. This program tells you everything you want to learn about how your visitors found you and how they interact with your site. In the software they show you, how many people visit your website, which words are more usable, to find your website on Google or not. Which websites have links to your website. And there are a lot of suggestions from Google which is related to your web design and your marketing strategy.
Criticisms of Google
First thing I have to write about drug search. There were a lot of drug ads which says “no prescription needed and next day delivery”. These days Google really reduced the amount of this kind of ads but there are still some which were added by rogue pharmacies .Even though Google has already changed the search results but Google didn’t touch the main index results. Question is why? Answer is easy, all we have to do is just looking their add revenue tables.
In some cases, Google also seems like so commercial. For example, there are a lot of free information, groups and non profit organization about teenager psychological problems on internet but if you try to search on Google, results are incredibly commercials. I said “incredible” because this is against their pagerank software which says “you can’t buy higher page rank”. It makes you think may be you can. This example only one of them which I found in Google, there are more.
The last thing I have to write about Google and China issues, Google seems like sacrificing its ethics by blocking pro-democracy websites and “Falun Gong” for the huge China market.
Why Youtube.com?
Google Inc bought youtube for 1.65 billion dollar. Youtube is number one video sharing website with market share of 43%. According to me, there are three reasons to buy youtube,
If we look at the Google’s advertisement spending on myspace.com, it is more than 900 million which is more than buying “News corp” as they did. I think, Google already knows how much they can make from youtube. It seems like youtube would add 70% or 80% share of Google’s ad revenues.
Another reason for Google is, if you can’t beat them, you can buy them. It is sure that Google has resource and technology to build another youtube but they couldn’t have the youtube’s traffic which is really the key behind this purchase.
Last reason is, actually this is a question that why youtube wants to be bought from Google? According to my research youtube was going to face substantial risk with lawsuits coming from music and video copyright holders. If we think about who is in a better position to develop technologies that identify copyrighted materials against a body of work provided by the copyright holders. Answer is for me, “Google”.
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